Project Vision

‘To prevent cervical cancer and save the lives of children in the Pacific’

More women die from cervical cancer in Pacific Island countries than in New Zealand or Australia and, in parts of the Pacific, nearly 1 in 18 children die before their 5th birthday from vaccine preventable diseases. We’re going to stop that!

To celebrate 100 years of Rotary in Australia and New Zealand, we’ve teamed up with UNICEF to give life-saving vaccines to 100,000 children across the Pacific. Rotary Give Every Child A Future is a sustainable project that will ensure generations of children and women are protected against cervical cancer, rotavirus and pneumococcal disease.

The challenge

Despite improvements in vaccines programs, the poorest and hardest to reach children are still being left behind.
Diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhoea remain leading killers of children under five years and high rates of life-threatening cervical cancer continue to devastate Pacific Island families. Poor health systems, limited government resources, environmental challenges and families living in difficult to reach areas mean children are missing out on life-saving vaccines.

Our Goals

To protect 100,000 children from rotavirus, pneumococcal disease and cervical cancer, across nine Pacific Island Countries: Nauru, Tuvalu, Samoa, Vanuatu, Tonga, Niue, Cook Islands, Kiribati and Tokelau over three years:

  • HPV vaccine for girls to prevent cervical cancer in later life
  • Rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccines for all children to reduce illness and deaths from gastroenteritis, pneumonias, meningitis and bacteraemia

To strengthen the immunisation programs in each country so that these vaccines continue to be delivered to future generations of children.

How will we do this?

In partnership with UNICEF, Rotary will develop and implement immunisation programs that will deliver three vaccines to children across nine Pacific Island countries. Working with these countries governments we will ensure the programs are sustainable, protecting families for generations to come.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) announced in November 2018 that it would provide financing to the governments of Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu to introduce these three vaccines. Independently Rotary will fund some regional and other supporting activities in those four countries. It will also fully fund a similar program in the other five countries independently of ADB.

Why now?

In 2021 Rotary International in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific will be 100 years old following the establishment in 1921 of Rotary Clubs in Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland and Wellington. The Rotary Give Every Child A Future project will celebrate 100 years of service to communities across Australasia and demonstrate that Rotary remains relevant in today’s world.
While there are several centenary projects this is the one project that covers all of Australasia and every Rotary club is encouraged to participate.

Our Partner

UNICEF are global experts when it comes to humanitarian aid and implementing vaccine programs across diverse communities. Rotary Australasia is proud to partner with them on Rotary Give Every Child A Future. Their contribution will ensure this project is cost effective, efficient and sustained long into the future.

What can I do?

3 actions, 2 minutes, 1 person.

You can make a world of difference!


Get informed and make vaccines a topic of conversation.

Project Flier


Most people do not know how many children still die from vaccine-preventable diseases. You can help. Spread the word.

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Every $45 donation will protect one child
Every donation helps us fight rotavirus, pneumococcal disease and cervical cancer. Thank you. You’re awesome!